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decodeAbiParameters โ€‹

Decodes ABI encoded data using the ABI specification, given a set of ABI parameters (inputs/outputs) and the encoded ABI data.

The decodeAbiParameters function is used by the other contract decoding utilities (ie. decodeFunctionData, decodeEventLog, etc).

Install โ€‹

import { decodeAbiParameters } from 'viem'

Usage โ€‹

The decodeAbiParameters function takes in two parameters:

  • a set of ABI Parameters (params), that can be in the shape of the inputs or outputs attribute of an ABI Item.
  • the ABI encoded data (data) that correspond to the given params.
import { decodeAbiParameters } from 'viem'

const values = decodeAbiParameters(
    { name: 'x', type: 'string' },
    { name: 'y', type: 'uint' },
    { name: 'z', type: 'bool' }
// ['wagmi', 420n, true]

Human Readable โ€‹

You can also pass in Human Readable parameters with the parseAbiParameters utility.

import { decodeAbiParameters, parseAbiParameters } from 'viem'

const values = decodeAbiParameters(
  parseAbiParameters('string x, uint y, bool z'),
// ['wagmi', 420n, true]

Return Value โ€‹

The decoded data. Type is inferred from the ABI.

Parameters โ€‹

params โ€‹

The set of ABI parameters to decode against data, in the shape of the inputs or outputs attribute of an ABI event/function.

These parameters must include valid ABI types.

const values = decodeAbiParameters(
  [{ name: 'x', type: 'uint32' }], 

data โ€‹

The ABI encoded data.

const values = decodeAbiParameters(
  [{ name: 'x', type: 'uint32' }],

More Examples โ€‹

Simple struct โ€‹

import { abi } from './abi'

const values = decodeAbiParameters(
// { x: 420n, y: true, z: '0xa5cc3c03994DB5b0d9A5eEdD10CabaB0813678AC' }
export const abi = [
    name: 'staticStruct',
    outputs: [
        components: [
            name: 'x',
            type: 'uint256',
            name: 'y',
            type: 'bool',
            name: 'z',
            type: 'address',
        name: 'foo',
        type: 'tuple',
] as const
contract Example {
  struct Foo {
    uint256 x;
    bool y;
    address z;

  function staticStruct(...) returns (Foo calldata foo) { 
    return foo;

Released under the MIT License.